The More You Know Campaign
Do you remember the NBC public service announcements from the 1990s with the catchy logo and content? The More You Know campaign address important social issues like self-esteem, drug use, peer pressure, and mental health. NBC restarted this highly successful campaign in 2022 to address social, environmental, and health issues. However, I have yet to see this series address the care issues impacting every community.
Knowledge is Power
Leaders and managers know, if you give a person responsibility but you deny them authority and knowledge then you have destined them for failure. In fact, today’s caregivers are right there, stuck in situations of enormous responsibility but lacking the tools and knowledge to succeed.
Free Resource Directory from Credit For Caring
We are contributing to the new caregiving solutions on the market today and it is yours to use and share. In fact, we encourage your feedback and recommendations for improving this site. Here is the format of our Resource Directory. Each page featurues education, training, professional guidance to succeed at daily activities, home safety, and finding help.
We Give Caregivers the Tools and Knowledge for Success
Here are four pages filled with training, education, strategies, and links to help. We encourage you to spend time on each directory page clicking the pop-up boxes and watching the videos to experience all of the free content. In fact, we encourage you to copy and share the links with other frustrated caregivers struggling to succeed.