Telehealth The 21st Century Doctor Visit

76% of U.S. Hospitals connect with patients & practitioners at a distance through the use of video and other technology.

Telehealth The 21st Century Doctor Visit

76% of U.S. Hospitals connect with patients & practitioners at a distance through the use of video and other technology.

Telehealth Helps
Increase Health Care
Value & Affordability

You can use telehealth remote patient monitoring and hospital at home instead of an office visit or hospital stay. Are you using telehealth, remote patient monitoring, & hospital at home services for personalized health care? Understand insurance coverage for equitable access to innovative care.

Telehealth connects patients to vital health care services through videoconferencing, remote monitoring, electronic consults and wireless communications. By increasing access to physicians and specialists, telehealth helps ensure patients receive the right care, at the right place, at the right time.

Be Aware

Telehealth and telemedicine are the same

read between the lines

The Risk

Not all physician services are performed via telehealth

emotional pain hurts too

Smart Solutions

Video and audio visits reduce the cost and speed of care

knowledge is power

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Vital signs measurement at home is essential for telehealth

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Here are some tips on how you can brighten someone’s day.

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savings by using telehealth per episode of care


physicians use telehealth at work


Americans used telehealth in 2021

5 Things

About Telehealth

Most Americans over age 65 live with 2 to 4 chronic medical conditions. Physicians agree that successful aging requires daily monitoring of your temperature, pulse, respirations, and blood pressure. In fact, daily checks for weight, blood pressure and blood sugar are the best practices for remaining healthy.

Notes from the Author

Advancing Healthcare Access

The landscape of healthcare delivery is undergoing a transformative shift with the integration of telehealth, remote patient monitoring (RPM), and hospital at home services. As the lead for these programs at the USA Health and Human Services Administration, it is imperative to understand the intricate details of insurance coverage to ensure equitable access to these innovative healthcare solutions.

Telehealth Visits and Services

Telehealth has emerged as a critical component of modern healthcare, providing convenient and efficient access to medical services. Insurance coverage for telehealth visits has seen significant expansion, driven by the recognition of its potential to enhance patient outcomes and reduce healthcare costs.

  1. Private Health Insurance: Many private health insurance plans now cover telehealth visits, treating them similarly to in-person visits. These services often include consultations with primary care physicians, specialists, and mental health professionals. Patients are typically responsible for copayments or deductibles as outlined in their insurance plans.
  2. Medicare: Medicare has expanded its coverage for telehealth services, particularly in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Medicare covers a broad range of telehealth visits, including virtual check-ins, e-visits, and remote patient monitoring services for certain chronic conditions. Policy updates and changes should be monitored to stay current with Medicare telehealth coverage.
  3. Medicaid: Medicaid coverage for telehealth varies by state, with many states providing reimbursement for a range of telehealth services. As Medicaid is state-administered, coverage details may differ, and continuous monitoring of state-specific policies is crucial.

Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM)

Remote Patient Monitoring is instrumental in managing chronic conditions and promoting proactive healthcare. The reimbursement landscape for RPM services has evolved to recognize its potential in preventing hospitalizations and improving patient outcomes.

  1. Private Health Insurance: Some private health insurance plans cover RPM services for patients with chronic conditions. These services may include the provision of connected devices for monitoring vital signs at home, with data transmitted to healthcare providers for ongoing assessment.
  2. Medicare: Medicare has expanded coverage for RPM services, acknowledging their value in managing chronic conditions. Medicare covers the costs of remote patient monitoring devices and the associated services for eligible patients, particularly those with conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, and heart failure.
  3. Medicaid: Similar to telehealth, Medicaid coverage for RPM varies by state. States may offer reimbursement for the provision of RPM devices and associated services as part of chronic care management programs.

Hospital At Home

Hospital at home programs aim to provide acute-level care in the comfort of a patient’s home, reducing the need for hospital admissions. Ensuring proper insurance coverage for these services is essential to support widespread adoption.

  1. Private Health Insurance: Private health insurance plans may cover hospital at home services, depending on the specific policies and programs offered by insurers. It is essential for individuals to check with their insurance providers regarding coverage details.
  2. Medicare and Medicaid: The coverage landscape for hospital at home services under Medicare and Medicaid is evolving. Pilot programs and demonstrations are being conducted to assess the feasibility and effectiveness of these services, with potential expansion based on positive outcomes.

As the leader of telehealth and remote patient monitoring programs at the USA Health and Human Services Administration, navigating the insurance landscape is critical to promoting the widespread adoption of these innovative healthcare solutions. By staying abreast of policy changes, collaborating with insurers, and advocating for comprehensive coverage, we can ensure that individuals across the nation have equitable access to the benefits of telehealth, remote patient monitoring, and hospital at home services. This strategic approach aligns with our commitment to advancing healthcare accessibility, improving patient outcomes, and driving positive change in the delivery of healthcare services.

Monica Stynchula – CEO / REUNIONCare, Inc.