Happy Thanksgiving
With Gratitude for our Efforts to Heal, Care, Gather, and Protect Each Other
Thanksgiving is the holiday of gratitude. I believe this is the season to take inventory of the advances and people who make our lives better.
Pandemic Changed Us
The pandemic changes us in so many ways. The world economy slammed on the breaks as we all went into seclusion. Our world hit the pause button. Yes, the suffering and deaths were tragic, but this trauma also united the world. I recall the worldwide evening applause rituals to our thanks to the exhausted healthcare and first responders.
As a matter of fact, the pandemic also unleashed breakthrough treatments using the messenger Ribonucleic acid (mRNA) model giving hope for curing some our most dreaded disease. I am grateful that so many breakthroughs came out of this horrible event.
Patient-Centered Care
Our healthcare system is stressed. The continuing workforce shortage and high rates of burnout are not good. However, I remain grateful for millions of dedicated healthcare professionals that keep our system working.
Some positive changes make me thankful. Today we have patient portals, telehealth, virtual care, and hospital care no longer confined to a designated building. Care is moving to consumer model where consumers have options however the price tag for high quality care is still too high.
Changing Norms about Caregiving
I appreciate all those unpaid family caregivers who are demanding support. I mean, caring for vulnerable people can be hard, especially in today’s tough economy. Our twenty-first century lives are more complicated, geographically dispersed, and expensive leading to greater care burdens. I applaud the expanding worker benefits and flexibility that employers are offering. I am equally grateful for the rising number of state governments paying family caregivers tor their labor.

Communities Addressing Social Isolation
I am grateful for the community-based organizations transforming our local communities. Are you seeing a change in how your community functions? The World Health Organization and AARP in the USA are the champions of ‘Age Friendly’ communities. With public and private funding, more communities are tackling the epidemic of social isolation. I am thankful that new public funds are improving transportation, building more green spaces and safe streets, and tackling housing, and hunger. I am grateful that the community care hub movement is re-building the social safety net.
Protecting and Uplifting Each Other
I believe we are beginning to accept that we all are vulnerable people. No one is immune from becoming vulnerable no matter how much insurance, or good deeds, or clean living we adhere to. With the blink of an eye, anyone can become a vulnerable person. I am grateful that social media sites like Threads is intentionally fostering positive content encouraging us to amplify our similarities, not differences. I am thankful for the new advocacy organizations willing to spend their personal time educating and creating solutions.
Thankful We are On this Journey Together
I am grateful for the leadership at Medline Industries who believe in offering consumers home delivery of high-quality daily living, home safety, and mobility products featured on Credit for Caring. In addition, I want to thank our guest bloggers who generously offered their expertise this year. Most importantly, I am grateful to have you reading the Credit for Caring blog.
Happy Thanksgiving.