Monica Stynchula

Caregiver Burden is Real Pass the Credit for Caring Act

Free Engaging Positive Aging & Caregiving Technology Connects You to Care

The SARs pandemic have forever changed humanity.  From a macro perspective,  I believe this “event” accelerated the pervasive use and access to technologies for healthcare providers, schools, government services, and many other industries. However, the virus pandemic spawned, or revealed, other epidemics that laid beneath the surface. Think about the healthcare labor shortage limiting access to needed care.  Similarly, the teacher shortage is hurting our ability to educate our future generations adequately and safely.

Our focus is on the social determinants of health.  Credit for Caring is built to address access to resources and services where we are born, live, work, play, learn, worship, recreate, and age.  The pandemic honed our SDOH focus in a year-long journey leading to this day.

Welcome to Credit for Caring 2.0   We endeavor to remove friction from our complicated and frustrating care system.  I am proud of the technology and intelligence we have created in CFC 2.0.  Experience the depth of SDOH knowledge woven into CFC 2.0. to inspire, educate, and engage you.  We use our expertise to get you the right help at the right time and place. Lastly, we connected our flag ship Circle of Care accounts directly inside CFC 2.0 so that you can build a care team under a unified care plan that adjusts to your needs.

Activities of Daily Living Check-Up

Whether you are a senior adult aging in place or a caregiver supporting a vulnerable person, CFC 2.0’s Daily Living check-up is a great tool for you. Go ahead, give it a try. Answer the ten easy questions and see what happens.

Home Safety Check-Up

“Prevent the fall, prevent the call” is the mantra of fall prevention experts. Home should be a safe place but what is acceptable at age 50 is not the same at 70. With most senior adults determined to stay at home as we age, home safety is not a once and done activity. Lighting, heating, cooling, and home repair check-ups need to be conducted every sixty days. We often overlook clutter on the floor, the pet under our feet, the wobbling pedestal sink until the worst happens. Try out this no risk check-up for your own peace of mind.

Resource Help Finder

Our healthcare system is broken. We fix it with patchwork changes to one or another government program that is poorly communicated to the public. The pandemic led to profound system changes. This resource check-up tool is the best place for identifying who and how you can access services today. In fact, the resource finder links you to our resource directory filled with quick references and in-depth education on each of the topics. I want to say more but that will spoil the grand reveal for you.

Meet Harmony, Our Virtual Social Worker

Now for the best new thing you will find on CFC 2.0.  Please meet Harmony, our  virtual social worker.  Our team deployed this new artificial intelligence tool to bring 24/7 access.  Harmony is still in training and needs your help.  Please ask Harmony a question.  She will return an answer. You judge how accurately she responds by giving her a thumbs up or thumbs down.  You can add your comments as well.  Harmony is eager to learn.  Currently she has 356 questions in her ‘brain’, and she needs to grow by leaps and bounds before she can answer multiple questions in the same conversation.  Harmony appears on every page in the orange box in the lower right hand corner.

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