Monica Stynchula

Caregiver Burden is Real Pass the Credit for Caring Act

We Rise By Lifting Others

Caregiving In Crisis

I am the first to acknowledge the term crisis is applied to many issues we are confronting today – climate, mental health, education, financial, housing, pandemic, and the list goes on. I have deleted the headline many times trying to find a more fitting title for the urgency of this issue without yelling “Fire!” The crisis is the right term for our unpaid, overworked, and hidden family members who are sacrificing so much right now.

Sandwich Generation

This term is so last year.  2020 has complicated caregiving in terms of who and how we can safely care for vulnerable people while social distancing to reduce virus spread.   Just a decade ago, we viewed the typical family caregiver as the middle-aged daughter who has raised her children and now focuses on caring for elderly parents.  This oversimplification of what and who are caring today.  We know that children are caring for parents, grandparents caring for grandchildren, parents caring for parents, friends caring for friends, and neighbors caring for neighbors.  Today it is an ‘all hands on deck’ from home deliveries, remote monitoring, virtual visits, and many other creative ways to remain engaged.

Caregiver Ranks Growing in Pandemic

AARP and the National Alliance for Caregiving released the Caregiving in the U.S. report in Spring, 2020.  It has been five years since the last report exposing increasing health risks to a larger caregiver population.  Today, one in five Americans are caregivers.  With the 85 years and older segment of our nation as the fastest-growing group.  More people needing care and more family and friends accept the challenge of caring.  Recently, the trend toward women leaving the workforce in response to childcare, virtual schools, job loss, and many other factors increases the risk of negative health impacts on these caregivers.

DIY Care Management

Unfortunately, the struggle to protect our most vulnerable is far from over.  In fact, the uptick in virus cases and deaths is a signal we cannot ignore.  We have new tools to help every caregiver, paid or unpaid, family or friend, there is no restriction on how you can use our suite of new features for your care needs.

Create a free CreditForCaring Account

Return to your email to retrieve the confirmation

Complete the Health Profile for yourself or someone you care for

Check out the Product Finder to see our recommendations for bathing and toileting, the two most emotionally laden activities of daily living tasks.

Try out the Advanced Product Finder to assess, room by room, the safety issues, and our mitigation recommendations.

Construct a Care Plan using our Advanced Resource Finder. This free care management service will guide you to hidden resources and strategies for successful long-term care.

Go shopping and create a wish list to save and share with family and friends. Our wish list functions the same way that bridal and baby registries work.  Best of all you can share them with others who ask for guidance on how to help out.

Ways to save. Most of all, we are caregivers ourselves.  We know money is tight.  We offer you prices below the big box stores or your health providers.  In fact, the more you shop, the more you save.  We have reward points that you can use for future shopping.

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