Monica Stynchula

Caregiver Burden is Real Pass the Credit for Caring Act

Advocacy for Financial Relief

The Credit for Caring Act of 2021 (S.1670) has had bicameral, bipartisan sponsors over the years.  Congressional hearings featuring exhausted caregivers failed to motivate previous congressional. This year is different.  Today you hear about the “women’s agenda” as part of the infrastructure discussion.  The success of the child tax credit signals that 2021 will be the year for passing this tax credit.

Follow us on Twitter to see how actively we are educating decision-makers.  Think ‘squeaky wheel gets the grease.’

Engage Community and Workplace Resources

We see this issue as the ‘needle in the haystack’ metaphor.  How do you find what you need when you do not know what to ask for?  Google is poor at reading your mind. Think of us as your virtual social worker. We built a curated resource directory free for you to use.

Employers view caregiving and childcare issues as central to recruiting and retaining talent.  There are more employee benefits for caregiving than ever before.  The issue is, are you willing to identify as a caregiver to your employer?

 Reducing the Friction in Care

We held a focus group to gather insights before building our user experience.  I want to share the story that stuck with me most. One middle-aged woman working full-time in a high-stress job shared her greatest frustration. She gets into her car after working a ten-hour day hoping for a few minutes to decompress before arriving home to cook dinner for her family.  Her phone rings, her parents were calling, Dad fell. Mom could not lift him off the bathroom floor.  She is their primary caregiver and Power of Attorney but lives over an hour from them.

Our care system is broken.  This working daughter understands that her parents live on a limited income.  The parents rely on their daughters for their every need. She is honoring their wishes.  The problem is work, family, care, and personal health fills more than a 24-hour day. Unfortunately, we know she will sacrifice her own health first.

We are here to reduce the frictions and hassles of our current care system.  Creating a Credit For Caring account consolidates all of your care activities into one location. We removed the hassles from your DIY care with easy re-orders and sharing.  Join us.

Do It Yourself Care

The pandemic has the residential care sector in chaos. We are all frightened by the infection and death rates of senior adults over the last eighteen months. Many families now house their loved ones with DIY care. Funding round-the-clock home care service, estimated at $50,000.00 annually, is prohibitive not to mention the home care labor shortage underway.

Create your own care plan by using our Product Finder Tools for daily care, home safety, and community resources. You will find we have many tools for you including a wish list (just like a bridal registry) that you can share.

 Save Time and Money

Our shopping experience was designed specifically for busy families.  We stripped away all the medical jargon and organized our offerings by functional tasks.

Compare our prices and shipping rates to the other e-commerce sites.  We reward you with points from every purchase to use toward your future orders.  The more you shop, the more you save.

Welcome to Credit for Caring 2.0

We endeavor to remove friction from our complicated and frustrating care system. I am proud of the technology and intelligence we have created in CFC 2.0. Experience the depth of SDOH knowledge woven into CFC 2.0. to inspire, educate, and engage you. We use our expertise to get you the right help at the right time and place. Lastly, we connected our flag ship Circle of Care accounts directly inside CFC 2.0 so that you can build a care team under a unified care plan that adjusts to your needs.

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