Monica Stynchula

Caregiver Burden is Real Pass the Credit for Caring Act

Small Things with Big Impact

Two months ago, Michael Hughes of United Church Homes Ruth Frost Parker Center for Abundant Aging and I sat down for a conversation on the Art of Aging podcast.  Mike and I share a passion for creating and implementing solutions that maximize independence and dignity for people live with multiple chronic health conditions.  I have provided the link to our conversation.  You will see, both of us are animated by the small things that we, caregivers, and providers, can do that have a tremendous impact.

Activities of Daily Living Small Things with Big Impact

Today’s blog post features our new daily activity product bundles. We carefully selected three products for each task. Think of these bundles a starter kits. Click on the bundle image to learn more about the three products.    In fact, these low-cost bundles are impactful gifts for new customers or gift baskets for Valentine’s Day, birthday, or other special occasions.

Bathing Bundle

Bathing tools are indispensable in promoting the safety, dignity, and independence of those struggling with poor eye-hand coordination, aging, disability, or chronic health conditions. In addition, these tools contribute to a more inclusive and fulfilling bathing experience for all by addressing specific needs and enhancing accessibility

Shower: Elevate Your Bathing Experience with our Curated Bundle
Medication Help: Tools for Managing Pills and Enhancing Adherence

Daily Medication Bundle

Invest in these indispensable tools to simplify medication management, reduce the risk of errors, and foster independence in maintaining optimal health. Equally important,  using these tools is assurance of  an effective pharmacy control strategy at home.

Dressing Bundle

Dressing tools play a vital role in mitigating the daily challenges of bending, reaching, and stretching. Moreover, this bundle helps to maximize independence, dignity, and accessibility with our essential aids that cater to various abilities and conditions.

Clothing: Simplify Fastening Buttons and Directing Clothing
Meal Time: Revolutionize Dining Experience with our Bundle

Eating and Dining Bundle

Promote well-being  and a healthy diet with tools that prioritize accessibility and dignity in eating and dining with others. What’s more, this bundle is a game changer by simplifying the act of bringing food to the mouth. Bon appetit!

Grooming Bundle

Grooming tools act as equalizers, promoting inclusivity and empowering those with poor eye-hand coordination or health conditions to maintain a sense of self-care and personal hygiene. In fact, by providing accessible and adaptive solutions, these tools contribute to enhancing the overall quality of life for those struggling in the realm of personal grooming.

Grooming Made Easy: The Ultimate Solution Bundle
Sleep Well with this solution to reduce pain and improve restfulness

Sleep Bundle

Experience improved sleep, enhanced safety, and a greater sense of control when illness or activities restrict movement. Equally important, these bed-related aids collectively contribute to a safer and more comfortable environment.

Toileting Bundle

This bundle empowers those who experience difficulty navigating toileting activities. What’s more,  the tools that enhance dignity, independence, and a reduced risk of accidents, contributing to an improved quality of life. Bottoms up!

Toilet Bundle: Enhanced Comfort and Safety for Daily Living

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