Do you feel invisible? Do you feel that the world around you has forgotten that you exist? You are not alone. Feelings of sadness and loneliness go hand in hand as our abilities and resources decline and our age increases. It seems to come out from the shadows and complicate life with age. Whether it is neglect or abuse, it hurts. The pain can be physical, emotional, and/or financial.
Are you being abused?
- Have you asked for assistance with your daily needs such as eating, bathing, toileting, and other personal tasks but no one is available to help you?
- Are you alone with no trusted family or friends to call in an emergency?
- Has anyone asked you for money or help not related to your daily care?
- Have you been physically or verbally threatened by someone?
- Do you feel unsafe in your home?
If you have answered yes to any of these questions, then you may be experiencing abuse or neglect. There is help available through 911, your local police and your local aging services provider. Please know that your safety is important to us. Reach out for help.

Find Help
As a caregiver, there are signs to be on the lookout for. Be sure to visit our resource page on “Living a Better Life” and learn how you can help someone who is experiencing neglect and abuse.