To get the most benefit from your doctor’s visit, it’s important to share the right information. Before your visit, collect and organize your vital sign records, food diary, weight changes, and any other health tracking you’ve done. Make a written record of all the prescriptions, over-the-counter medicines, and vitamins you’ve taken since your last visit. Write down any questions or concerns you have. In fact, don’t forget to bring paper and a pencil to write down the answers your doctor gives you.
When talking to your doctor, be prepared, clear, and specific about your concerns and priorities. Speak up if you don’t understand something. Be honest if you’re not following their instructions or having trouble with your treatment. Show respect to your doctor, and they will be more likely to take your concerns seriously. If you’re not comfortable with your doctor or feel like they’re not listening, consider getting a second opinion. Lastly remember, doctor-patient communication is a two-way street built on trust and respect. Find a doctor you feel comfortable with who listens and works with you to achieve your healthcare goals.