Having a daily exercise program can make a big difference in how you feel and move each day. In fact, exercise is great for your body and mind because it helps improve brain function, reduces feelings of sadness, and keeps your balance strong. This can lower your chances of falling and help you do everyday activities more easily.
Here are some tips to help you start exercising: First, find exercises that you like and that are easy for you to do. It could be taking a walk outside, doing chair yoga with a video, or playing games like puzzles or large card games. Start with a few minutes of exercise at a time, and as you get stronger, you can exercise for longer periods. Try to do a mix of exercises that get your heart pumping (like walking fast) and exercises that make your muscles stronger (like lifting light weights or using resistance bands). Make a schedule for your workouts and try your best to stick to it. Lastly, aim to exercise at least three times a week, and don’t forget to give your body time to rest and recover between workouts.