Knowing if you are abusing substances can be tricky because addictions are sneaky. They can change the way our brains work and mess up our feelings of pain and pleasure. Sometimes, it’s hard to tell if you’re using something too much, especially with things like alcohol, which many people think is okay to use. If you notice you need to drink more to feel happy or if you start choosing drinking over fun activities, it could be a sign of a problem. Feeling sick more often, getting into trouble, or having friends and family worry about you are other signs to watch for.

If you think your drinking or substance use is becoming a problem, it’s important to ask for help. This is the first step to getting better. Talking to your doctor can be a good start because they can give you advice and support. Remember, it’s never too late to make a change for the better. Getting help can help you feel healthier and happier, and it can help you avoid bigger problems in the future.