Monica Stynchula

Monica Stynchula is the Founder & CEO of REUNIONCare, Inc. a health information technology company and Credit For Caring (USPTO Trademark) virtual social worker and e-commerce technology. REUNIONCare, Inc. an SBA certified Women-owned small business.

Monica received her MSW and MPH from the University of Pittsburgh. She is a lifetime member of the Delta Omega Public Health Honor Society. Distinguished Alumnus Recipient at Seton Hill University. She is a graduate of the USA Office of National Coordination HITECH health information specialist completing her designations as HIT Pro and CPHIMSS.

To learn more about Monica, connect with her on social media below:Monica Stynchula is the Founder & CEO of REUNIONCare, Inc. a health information technology company REUNIONCare, Inc. an SBA certified Women-owned small business. Monica received her MSW and MPH from the University of Pittsburgh.

Voice-Activated Alert System for Mild Cognitive Deficit

Please welcome our guest blogger, Carol Chiang. Carol is an Occupational Therapist, Accessible Realtor and owner of Evolving Homes. She has 25 years of experience of caring for patients and believes the importance of planning ahead to decrease stress.

Mild Cognitive Impairment is Treatable

How can you help an older adult who has no physical limitations but is having difficulty with memory recall? Is it safe to let these family members stay home alone? Will they remember to turn off the stove or take their medications on time?

I believe in leveraging Smart Home technology to support independent living. The cost is much less than moving a loved one to a nursing home full time and it can help bridge the gap between private duty care visits.

Here are the top 3 reasons why I use voice-enabled devices to keep my patients safe and living in the homes they love.

Privacy Concerns and Cognitive Impairment

I recommend devices with their own private server that blocks telemarketers from calling their devices and potentially talking the patient into giving them their credit card numbers or other personal information.  The only people who are able to video call into the devices have to have been vetted by the family beforehand and placed in central database.

Urgent Response Team Membership Programs for People with Cognitive Impairment

I believe the best systems are routed to a call center staffed by real people who can connect them the help they need. In fact, the most useful feature of this over just calling 911 is that when a call for help comes in, the call center has immediate access to the name and address of the person registered to that device. This is important because during times of stress, a patient with mild cognitive impairment may not be able to manage the additional cognitive load of remembering their names or the address where they need help.

Daily Support for Mild Cognitive Impairment

Needing to use the exact phrase or words to activate some Smart Home Technology can be a challenge with memory issues and a source of frustration.
I like that this devices can be personalized with the phone number to whatever is easiest to remember. For example, if they can’t remember that it’s Dominos Pizza they love, I can program it to just “Pizza.” The high cost of senior care can be a surprise to family members when they first notice changes in their loved ones.

Our Virtual Aging-in-Place Consultations can help families learn what their choices for care and be able to discuss the pros and cons of their options with an expert in this space. Get the help and information you need to make informed decisions.

Thank you!

Carol, thank you for sharing your expertise with our readers.

You knowledge and creative use of voice-activated artificial intelligence technology is inspiring.

In my opinion, Carol is an innovator who is disrupting aging and caregiving.

Yours in Health,


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