Monica Stynchula

Caregiver Burden is Real Pass the Credit for Caring Act

Space and Grace for Caregivers

Are you caring for a loved one?

Do you feel overwhelmed and stressed?

Are you feeling lonely or isolated because of caregiving?

Has caring for your loved one been impacted by racial, cultural or gender biases in healthcare?

Do you feel you would benefit from support and learning about new resources?

Space & Grace is a six week virtual support program for family caregivers. This maybe the right program for you. Here’s a brief video of some of the recent participants.

Space and Grace Six Week Support Program

SPACE AND GRACE is a FREE, virtual program so participants can stay in the comfort of their own homes and runs 6 weeks. Upon completion, participants receive a stipend to promote the importance of self-care.

  • The program helps cargivers develop new stratagies for coping, ways enhance listening/communiction skills and tools to build resilencey
  • Caregivers learn about getting important documents in place, resources that can enhance care and ways to promote self-care
  • The program fosters a supportive environment so caregivers feel fully seen and heard

Participants will need internet access.

Participants must commit to all 6 sessions, 90 minutes per week.

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