Credit For Caring

Ultrasoft Disposable Dry Cleansing Cloths Case of 1000

Ultrasoft Disposable Dry Cleansing Cloths Case of 1000


  • Cleansing Cloth: Fragrance-Free Soft-Spun Fabric for Sensitive Skin
  • Fragrance-free cloths gently cleanse sensitive, fragile skin-just add water
  • Made of Soft-Spun fabric that is softer than reusable cloths
  • Case of 1000 at 50 wipes per bag.  Best Price!


  • Fragrance-free cloths gently cleanse sensitive, fragile skin-just add water
  • Made of Soft-Spun fabric that is softer than reusable cloths
  • In fact, these disposable, non-flushable cloths help reduce the risk of cross contamination and can’t dry out like traditional wet wipes
  • Perfect for incontinence care, patient bathing, baby care, surface cleaning and more
  • Lastly, this order is a case of 500 cloths
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