Telehealth The 21st Century Doctor Visit
76% of U.S. Hospitals connect with patients & practitioners at a distance through the use of video and other technology.
Telehealth The 21st Century Doctor Visit
76% of U.S. Hospitals connect with patients & practitioners at a distance through the use of video and other technology.
Telehealth Helps
Increase Health Care
Value & Affordability

Telehealth connects patients to vital health care services through videoconferencing, remote monitoring, electronic consults and wireless communications. By increasing access to physicians and specialists, telehealth helps ensure patients receive the right care, at the right place, at the right time.
savings by using telehealth per episode of care
physicians use telehealth at work
Americans used telehealth in 2021
About Telehealth
Most Americans over age 65 live with 2 to 4 chronic medical conditions. Physicians agree that successful aging requires daily monitoring of your temperature, pulse, respirations, and blood pressure. In fact, daily checks for weight, blood pressure and blood sugar are the best practices for remaining healthy.